vocational school - vertaling naar Engels
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vocational school - vertaling naar Engels

Vocational School; Trade school; Career college; Private Workforce Education; Vocational high schools; Vocational high school; Vocational schools; Trade schools; Career colleges; Senmon Gakkō; Senmon Gakkou; Catering school; Senmon gakko; Ambachtsschool; Career academy; Career and Professional Education; Manual training school; Career Center; Career center; Basic vocational school; Vocational school district
  • ''Ambachtschool''
  • Dongping County Vocational Secondary School, China
  • György Dózsa Vocational Secondary School, Kalocsa, Hungary
  • 1920}}
  • Canton]], [[Michigan]], United States
  • Vocational school in [[Lappajärvi]], Finland
  • Vocational school in [[Nurmijärvi]], Finland
  • [[Vammala]]'s vocational school in [[Sastamala]], Finland
  • Vrapice Vocational School, Czech Republic
  • [[West Park Secondary School]] in Toronto is an example. It was built in 1968 for students with slow learning or special needs.
  • Diploma of secondary vocational education in Russia

vocational school         
vocational school ремесленное училище
vocational school         
школа профессионального обучения
vocational school         
профессионально-техническое училище


(англ. Public schools, букв. - общественные школы), частные привилегированные средние школы Великобритании, сохраняющие аристократические традиции.


Vocational school

A vocational school, trade school, or technical school is a type of educational institution, which, depending on the country, may refer to either secondary or post-secondary education designed to provide vocational education or technical skills required to complete the tasks of a particular and specific job. In the case of secondary education, these schools differ from academic high schools which usually prepare students who aim to pursue tertiary education, rather than enter directly into the workforce. With regard to post-secondary education, vocational schools are traditionally distinguished from four-year colleges by their focus on job-specific training to students who are typically bound for one of the skilled trades, rather than providing academic training for students pursuing careers in a professional discipline. While many schools have largely adhered to this convention, the purely vocational focus of other trade schools began to shift in the 1990s "toward a broader preparation that develops the academic" as well as technical skills of their students.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor vocational school
1. Oh, vocational school.
Daniel SuperChef Ferguson _ From Homeless to Celebrity Chef _ Talks at Google
2. DARNELL FERGUSON: Yeah, vocational school.
Daniel SuperChef Ferguson _ From Homeless to Celebrity Chef _ Talks at Google
3. like vocational school, but it was
Skin in the Game _ Nassim Nicholas Taleb _ Talks at Google
4. It was in Lucan Vocational School.
From Organisation to Institution _ Jack Harte _ Talks at Google
5. So therefore, with the vocational school--
Daniel SuperChef Ferguson _ From Homeless to Celebrity Chef _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor vocational school
1. The vocational–school system was mostly destroyed during the war.
2. He‘s considering attending a vocational school, maybe to study electronics.
3. "No classes today," said Yan Mei, 20, a language student at Sanya Vocational School.
4. She has helped raise $50,000 for a girls‘ orphanage, vocational school and high school in Guinea.
5. Instead he was relegated to a place at the National Arts School, then a lightly regarded vocational school.